Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Can't We All Just Get Along? Nay, Guess Not ....


Seems our Jihadist brothers are venting their ..ahh.. displeasure in the form of hate mail to a patriotic web merchant selling the infamous "Cartoon" T-shirt.

Here are excerpts of the actual e-mails received by MetroSpy.com

Oh, and I've included their ACTUAL e-mail addresses, so please feel free to send them a friendly hello! ;-)

To MetroSpy
F*ck the US and their citizens for their stupidity, naivety, arrogance and ignorance. I am a staunch opponent of all violence and lake of sensitivity, but slowly I start to understand the peoples' view outside the US, about a bunch of largely uneducated, uninterested, overweighed and uninformed *ssholes. - René
From: rene.fritschi@rpf-group.com
René K. Fritschi
RPF-Group Co. Ltd.
Phone: + 66 (0) 2251 6430
Fax: + 66 (0) 2251 6433
4th fl. Bldg. A2 1875 Rama IV Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330


To: MetroSpy
These T-shirts of prophet Mohammed is not acceptable. Please take it a way. This is like invitation for terorists to attack your country. Islam is very peacful relgion.
From: medawi2005@gmail.com

To: MetroSpy
Bush....International terrorist....Viva Chaves
From: laldert@uol.com.br

To: MetroSpy
I'm looking a favor from you guys ....if you would please eliminate this picture from you goods because its very embaressful in term of relagion. If you do that it would be a great appreciated. thanks a lot.
From: surfsub420@yahoo.com

To: MetroSpy
These pictures are about a leader of religion, pressing pictures on t shirts means that you will conflict with all muslims you. Could not think healtly you are very silly. I am from Turkey, I know that you are producing t-shirts which have the pictures of our the Prophet Muhammad. We are very angry and we want you to stop this work. Becouse you are making fun with our sacred. This is very dangerous, be careful.
From: brkylmz@yahoo.com

Dear workers and stuff of Metrospy,
Could you tell us why are you doing that to Muslims...!!!! Most of you are gays and your sisters are lebians. Your moms too....This is your civilisation...I thing -- Bye!!
From: ddihcar@yahoo.com

To: MetroSpy
PUBLIC WARNING! -- The fanatical Christiano-fascist organization known as Metrospy has been linked to terrorst activities throughout the world. This ultra-rightwing
organization has been spreading a message of racial hatred while promoting assassinations through their goon squads who pose as T-Shirt salesmen. It is believed
these fanatics will stop at nothing short of Civil War. How forgetful of me. Of course I want 500 of those T-Shirts showing suspected Metrospy employees desecrating Muslim graves. I hear some Mosques have been attacked in Canada. Do your employees venture there?
From: MANXMAX@aol.com

To: MetroSpy
May the website owner please send me an email on themechanical_engineer@hotmail.com, I would like to chat with him about something that I consider personal.
From: thecute_devil@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
Why you are a blind as bat? Why money is your god? Why you are a server of devil? Why you lie yourself? The messagers of god are innocent? I advice you for reading Mohameds'life and think with your humman mind seriously? I am sur you will discover a true if you are a humman .....Mohamed is a great prophete for all messagers of god and for all hummanity not for Arabs only...read his life if you are a great people...
From: azoulafateh@yahoo.fr

To: MetroSpy
I think you can even sell our your mamas only to get some money. The world is not enough safe because people like Usama!
From: cemyildiz@estonya.net

To: MetroSpy
About funny caricatures. Hacking as soon! I will waiting.
From: serkan_real@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
I know how you love to make fun islamic values. It is impossible to change your ideas about islam. You will just go on supposing them terrorists who love to kill innocent people. This earth, this life is your heaven so I advice you taste it as much as you can. In deed, you also know how much your politicans,troops are cruel on muslims...Muhammed is a perfect man sent by God who accepts and trust.
From: mkara_tr@yahoo.com.tr

To: MetroSpy
You are all lower than low. Whale turds are actually a higer form of life than you people. I hope you all are happy when the jack botted facists you so love, kick in your door and take all your equiptment for printing things since it will obviously be illegal to print anything not approved by your masters close you mouths and open your eyes dummies!!!!
From: oregoncrazyman@msn.com
Oregon Crazy Man is a funny character. We actually know a little about this guy. His name is Tom. He lives in Medford, Oregon. He's in his mid-forties. When he talks about whale, he should look in the mirror 'casuse this dude is all blubber and then some. We've also heard from his neighbors that he lives alone, with no prospects and walks around his house buck-nekkid!

To: MetroSpy
I am a muslim living in Turkey. I have been very sad when i saw your Mohammed cartoons t-shirts. Perhaps, you will be able to selling these products, but are you aware of how you hurted our hearts?
From: meti96@yahoo.com

To: MetroSpy
You really idiot to promote such product this mean that your business is not promising. You to fight billions of Muslim.
The only thing we say our religion is our fighting priority. Just say stop this silly slogan We pray to Ban this cheap business. Your hater.
From: monabdt@yahoo.com

To: MetroSpy
You deals with conflicts business. You are mother f*cker terrorism in the world. Huhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhu
From: wrolan_mohd@yahoo.com

Dear f*cking gay:
You nothing and what u have done it will not mean a lot more ass hole to us.
From: AhmedJour@baj.com.sa

To: MetroSpy
I am sending this e-mail and I hope that you understand that what you are doing is offending more than billion people in this world. I hope that your sales with other stuff be billions but not for offending sixth of the people of the whole
From: mazroary@SABIC.com

To: MetroSpy
You area bad man.
From: meer11@hotmail.com

To MetroSpy:
"Stupid man in stupid place" that all what I can say about you by my weak English. I am just finish a press conference for the British ambassador, and he said "how much he and British people sorry for Muslims because these f*cking caricature and sons of b*tch like you.

I believe that who is nothing like you, hope to have some important or keep some attention, and gain some dollars by repeat what another do. That's all! But believe me we don't care about what you do! You are just a mother f*cker want to be famous. Mohammed our prophet for the world, that is a fact. There is a lot of your writers, American writers and European whom have well educate and study what Mohammed has been know and how much this man was genius and have a respectful behaviors. So you will not afflict him in any way. He is already die!!!! But his reputation and methods still alive. Make one like you thinking about it, and try to defamation them! And you will not influence us more then what the f*cker newspaper do. And that will change nothing, because we respect another religions and that what our religion order us to do. By your way you will clear how much Muslims are respectful. Respect and accept others because the true is we respect others believes.

And you know what, you caused a great influence when your remind us with our prophet and how much he were suffering until we reach these holy religion. So we will work to protect his repetition.

By the way I am a Liberian Muslim, who start pray after your "message", I just pray to god ask him to metamorphose people like you as he done with Jewish before, "metamorphosed them to monkeys and hogs".

Something else, the people who are murder not us, and you can ask Vietnamians and Japanese people whom murdered by American before. And you can try to know what American do now in Iraq. You are the murders but we are not.

In the end, if if if if we have terrorist in our country so that happen by American government help, ask your government whom were pay for extremes possess in Arabic world, who encourage them to pump many places in Egypt and Algeria. Ask those possess in every peace in Arabic world who support you in your beginning. Go and ask your government who pay and rehabilitate Osama bin laden to be militant. Try to read something before taking any side. Hey, don't be ignorant!
From: dua.hammad@info2cell.com

To: MetroSpy
We ask our God Allah to kill and punish everyone says and shows bad thinks about our kind Prophet Mohammad
From: jumashahin@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
These kind of behavior reflect the pad image of you American people which is not strange nowadays. Also fore your information you pretend that we are terrorist but we are convinced that you are the terrorist people cause you are always motivate Moslem people to heat you by doing such a thing. Moreover, we will pray to Allah to return you to the right way and the right religion which is ISLAM.
From: sasolami@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
I am sorry for your produced. i am sorry for my language ,i am sorry your don't read anything abut this history. I am said because your not new live in Muslims but you must new how you side when to face your god.
From: Ghamdimab@ALJ.COM

To: MetroSpy
I am sorry for your produced. i am sorry for my language ,i am sorry your don't read anything abut this history. I am said because your not new live in Muslims but you must new how you side when to face your god.
From: mkara_tr@yahoo.com.tr

To: MetroSpy
I am Mohamed the messenger of Allah our master and your master are Iehaltgha and Allah is the greatest and will defeat you and the Islam triumphs.
From: walid5@maktoob.com

To: MetroSpy
ALLAH AKBAR , dont be silly muslims have a great power can arise anytime and you will see.
From: h_el_nagar@hotmail.com

Hi *sshole:
Yyour site now banned in arab country sale this shirt to your facking your self.
From: waelisa@batelco.com.bh

To: MetroSpy
......i am muslim person...shameless!!!!!!!!!disrespectfuls...!!!!!!!!
From: ufukaygun28@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
I protest you. I think you do this purposly in order to get attention and causing more problems between islamic world and western world. look at the mirror every day and feel sorry for yourself.
From: aykutkaya@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
Could you please remove those caricature tshirts from your product list? Dont break billions of hearts and don't get God's anger.
From: gencher@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
I want you to know that caricatures heart and bother us, and we are not terrorists because we did not attack any country due to imaginary reasons as others country. What do you do if arabian magazine or newspaper made the same thing to our and your prophet Jesus or prophet Moses?
From: mona_mohammad2005@yahoo.com

To: MetroSpy
Hacking as soon. Wait!
From: serkan_real@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
I strongly protest you for publishing the caricatures which include elements of insult toward Islam and of scorn toward Islamic believes. By this attitude, you have proved that you do not have any respects toward Mohamed. One day, mankind will call your ancestors to account for their history of imperialism and massacre in the whole world, and will find out your fascist and dogmatic pagan face. Then, will you be able to defend your shameful actions. The Qur'an tells us not to insult believes and sacred values of anyone. Will you be able to understand the level of humanity in this call?
From: boyalikli@itu.edu.tr

To: MetroSpy
I f*ck you.
From: ramazanbilgin8@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
Mohammed is the purest of the mankind breed.
From: sa133@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
Your this, do bad manners. Your this do dishonour. God will give your trouble.
From: ilhan56566@gmail.com

To: MetroSpy
You must respect my religion. You can't use my prophet name and picture.you did big mistake and STOP THAT!!
From: vitocuk@yahoo.com

To: MetroSpy
Only 5 days and your company well despier.And I promast. Saalem alqahtani from alqaeeda.
From: t_3_@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
I have seen the T-shirt you designed with the caricature on. What I would like to say is (you are putting your f*kin finger in the fire) have your time now but the time is running we will meet ,untell then . Just wait, revenge is in the way.
From: tanoomah@hotmail.com

Dear sir:
Can you please stop to sell The Mohammed Cartoon T Shirt . Thanks
From: atalna@excite.com

To: MetroSpy
We will kill you and burn your shop in shaa allah. I am a moslim and i have force at usa.
From: sahebsahab@hotmail.com

Hello dear:
We boycottig very very bad Beceuse Mohammed is muslim leader dou you now please don't trying short and tshort. Thank you.
From: serdarmizrak03@mynet.com

To: MetroSpy
Will you stop??? We are coming *sshole. You are dead do you know this.
From: mp1001mp@yahoo.com

To: MetroSpy
I strongly protest you since you support the caricatures which include elements of insult toward our Prophet Muhammad and of scorn toward Islamic believes.
From: sukruyilmaz1@gmail.com

To: MetroSpy
Only rednecks buy from this metrospy loser.
From: god@canada.ca

To: MetroSpy
I am politely asking you to stop selling Prophet Mohammed Caricature T-shirt on you website. Please be respectful to all religions.
From: bostonlufatih@gmail.com

To: MetroSpy
Do you know what? F*ck you! Cuz its not good to use feelings and make people kill themselves with selling these silly shirts. Yes I Turkish but you even don't know anything about Turkey. You'll think that we all are ignorant people but, NO! We have great nights all parties and girls and drinks but you suckas think Turkey is what you see on BBC, right?
This is sh*t and f*ck your religions. We dont care about them. But reasons of what people kill theirselves is what we give a sh*t! I love you.
From: siyarozen@yahoo.com

To: MetroSpy
I don't know how should I call you but, I will try to keep my kindness to you even. Maybe you are not aware of what kind of dishonourable thing you are. Picturing our prophet in such an insulting way is a big disrespectful thing for muslims. this is not a thing about speech. This problem is about honour of people. If you have just little piece of human, dont sell more shirts.
From: oguzhantoy@gmail.com

To: MetroSpy
You are dirty man. Still you as cow man. No respect, no religion and no polite. We see forever all USA men come from fornicators or adulterers so we are not strange when hear this from impudent. Go to hell! We will kill you as soon as we meet you at once. Really you are atheist man. Go still to bark for all people.
From: mohamad_ezzat@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
If you do not respect Mohammad the Messenger of Allah, you will pay the price for the mistake you make by your hand and I will remind you.
From: a_fadhel@hotmail.com

Dear agents:
Firstly I'm sorry for my English but I will try to explain my demand and critique. You produced a new model.Your subject is our prophet Muhammed. Why was it imperative? Do you have any idea about what will happen? People will start different reaction? Perhaps you will start to earn money. Thats all. But you will remembered not good by all muslims.We are Asian people. We are too emotional. Please dont inclued this terrible play. Some people try to separete us.
From: yavuzkanar@yahoo.com

To: MetroSpy
Sorry you are born in uncivilized country, pity you, may good bless you.
From: noribah@yahoo.com

To: MetroSpy
You are dead mother f*cker. We will keep you staying sometimes and will send you to the HELL. See you next month in your house.
From: toom000@yahoo.com

To: MetroSpy
Your believes & thoughts are less value than this fart.
From: jkhoory@upm.ae

To: MetroSpy
Those who molest Allah and His Messenger, Allah has cursed them in this world and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating Punishment. (33-75) STOP IT!!
From: jkhoory@upm.ae

To: MetroSpy
I Love Prophet Mohammed.
From: idogan@maxwell.syr.edu

I will f*ck you and eat Mohammed.
From: yaydeniz@msainsaat.com

To: MetroSpy
Damn on you!
From: csdfgd@petrokemya.sabic.com

To: MetroSpy
2 days or we killing your family.
From: gost_and_darkness@hotmail.com

To: MetroSpy
First of all, Ii well tell that what you doing is not touch our and also your profit Mohammad because the profit is big
and big and big and big and tthe good.
From: majedsm@yahoo.com

To: MetroSpy
Islam is coming & will role the world.
From: l.kabli@gmail.com



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